What to expect when a Mental Health Crisis Occurs
How do I know if my child is having a crisis or a mental health emergency?
There are times when a parent needs help quickly - when their teen can't calm down, are uncontrollable
or may be in sudden danger of hurting themselves or others.
A crisis situation exists any time that your child is no longer safe to himself or others or when there is a
need for immediate action or intervention. It is usually a time when all of your energies are being
demanded in order to care of your child.
Some signs that your child may be experiencing a mental health crisis include:
Rapid mood swings
Extreme energy or lack of it, sleeping all the time, or being unable to sleep
Severe agitation, pacing,
Talking very rapidly or non-stop
Confused thinking or irrational thoughts
Thinking everyone is out to get them or seeming to lose touch with reality
Making threats to others or themselves
Isolating themselves from friends and family, not coming out of their room
Not eating or eating all the time, rapid weight loss or gain
Suicidal thoughts and statements such as "I want to die" or even possible vague statements such
as "I don't want to be here anymore"
This list above contains many but not all the possible signs that your child may be experiencing a crisis. It
is best to follow your instincts. Remember you are the expert when it comes to your child. If you feel your
child is behaving much differently than normal or if the situation seems like it is getting out of control and
you fear you may not be able to de-escalate it - then your child is most likely experiencing a crisis.