For referrals and authorization for treatment of substance use services, such as outpatient treatment,
intensive outpatient treatment, residential treatment, medication assisted treatment and withdrawal
management (detoxification):
Restart Residential Program, Side by Side Youth
Location: Newly-remodeled San Anselmo campus
ReStart is a residential program for youth ages 13 to 17 struggling with substance use and one of very
few residential treatment facilities in Northern California that young people and their families can turn to,
regardless of income.
ReStart's unique approach blends recovery, mental health, and daily coping skills to help youth overcome
their struggles with substance use. During their time with the ReStart program youth focus on learning
how to prevent relapse and to increase their use of healthy coping skills. Treatment plans are customized
and include individual and group counseling, family therapy, parent education, adventure therapy, and
recreation. Throughout treatment, clients and their families are supported by a comprehensive,
multidisciplinary team who also provide case management as well as schooling for residential clients.
ReStart offers a 10-bed, co-ed residential program providing 30 to 60 day treatment.